Meet Clark: The Importance of Consistency

November 4, 2020
Clark, smiling in his wheelchair.

Meet Clark.

He’s a grade 10 student in Calgary, and 4Seasons Transportation has been taking him to and from school for the past two years.

Just like every other student, Clark has been at home since last March when schools closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But, since schooling virtually, his dad Todd noticed a change.

“Clark’s social skills have taken a hit since he wasn’t able to go to school,” says Todd. “He isn’t used to interacting and approaching others anymore. Clark also lost his regular routine, which was hard for him to adapt to.”

Thankfully for Clark and all students across Calgary, in-class learning resumed this September and he could return to class to socialize with his peers and get back to his regular schedule.

“Clark is very aware of his routine and if something is missed, it bothers him,” says his dad.

Clark loves routine and consistency. In fact, he asks his 4Seasons Transfer Care Specialist to play the same song every day on the way to and from school. Consistency is just as important to Todd as it is to Clark:

“before 4Seasons, transportation wasn’t always reliable,” he says. “When the bus wouldn’t show up, Clark couldn’t go to school.”Luckily for Clark, he has a dedicated 4Seasons Transfer Care Specialist to make sure he gets to school every day, taking the exact same roads and leaving at the exact same time. “Routine is very important for Clark and 4Seasons has been really good at providing reliable transportation,” shares Todd.

Make a difference in the lives of students with disabilities. Find out more about the role of a Van or School Bus Driver in Calgary.

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